Christopher Hitchens

(April 13, 1949December 15, 2011)

Christopher Hitchens is the author of a memoir, Hitch-22 (2010), and 16 books of nonfiction on such subjects as atheism, Thomas JeffersonGeorge OrwellHenry KissingerBill ClintonMother Teresa, the war in Iraq, and the British monarchy. Some of his titles include Prepared for the Worst (1988), God Is Not Great (2007), Arguably (2011) and the posthumous Mortality (2012). In addition, he edited ten books, and was a contributor to eight others. Hitchens was a columnist and literary critic at Vanity FairSlateThe AtlanticWorld Affairs, the Times Literary Supplement, and The Nation.

Born in Britain, Hitchens attended Oxford, and was radicalized in the 1960s, when he was often arrested at political rallies opposing the war in Vietnam, and became a correspondent for International Socialism magazine. In later life he moved away from the left, supporting the Iraq War and endorsing U.S. President George W. Bush.

Hitchens taught at the New School and Berkeley, and was a frequent commentator on TV, radio, and in newspapers. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1981, and became a U.S. citizen in 2007. He lived in DC from 1982 until his death.

The Homes

2022 Columbia Rd. NW, Washington, DC (Wyoming Apartments)

( Built in 1911 • B. Stanley Simmons, Architect )
Located in Sheridan/Kalorama neighborhood, Northwest - East of Rock Creek

This Beaux Arts luxury apartment was also the residence of George Stephanopoulos and Dwight D. Eisenhower. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.

Also home to: Betty Friedan

Christopher Hitchens

2022 Columbia Rd. NW
Located in Sheridan/Kalorama neighborhood, Northwest - East of Rock Creek